Best Stocks for 2022 with research

Chevron CVX energy company and the stock performance is increasing
WWE Entertainment Company - Its a gamble because the stock performance shows a profit but is decreasing
ON semiconductor co. has a high decreasing stock performance
Northrop Grumman NOC has a high decreasing performance
Baker Hughes BKR energy technology is a chance that I would take
General Mills Inc. (GIS) consumer staples
Kellogg Co. (K) consumer staples
Smartest Dividend Stock
is FPI Farmland Partners Inc
5 yrs 82.79%
2 yrs 122.82%
1 yr 18.29%
ytd 18.50%
6 mnth 20.00%
3 mnth 7.44%
1 mnth -2.22%
1 wk -0.49%
SAFM Sanderson Farms Inc
5 yr 73.96%
2yr 73.79%
1 yr 35.02%
YTD 9.53%
6 mnth 9.92%
3 mnth 17.48%
1 mnth 10.96%
1 wk 2.66%
from Shante Schuler