BLACK UNICARNS: YOGA BRAIN SHANTE SCHULER and BLAKE SCHULER Aug 14, 20221 min readBLACK UNICARNS: YOGA BRAIN ON TWITCH 5 Spiritual TED Talks You Must Watch THE ONE MINUTE MEDITATIONTake a deep breath.Breathing in through the nose, Breathing out through the mouth.Breathing in feeling the lungs expanding, Breathing out feeling a sense of letting go.Breathing in to feel the body getting fuller, Breathing out to feel the release of any tension.Breathing in feeling alive and awake, Breathing out feeling muscles relaxing.Breathing in that sense of fullness, Breathing out that unnecessary tension in the body and mind.
BLACK UNICARNS: YOGA BRAIN ON TWITCH 5 Spiritual TED Talks You Must Watch THE ONE MINUTE MEDITATIONTake a deep breath.Breathing in through the nose, Breathing out through the mouth.Breathing in feeling the lungs expanding, Breathing out feeling a sense of letting go.Breathing in to feel the body getting fuller, Breathing out to feel the release of any tension.Breathing in feeling alive and awake, Breathing out feeling muscles relaxing.Breathing in that sense of fullness, Breathing out that unnecessary tension in the body and mind.