What are 5 ways that I can go out of my comfort zone this year?
What are the 7 things I am really good at?
Write out 15 positive affirmations (ex: I can achieve anything I set my mind to.)
If money wasn’t an issue, what would my ideal life be? (Where would I live, what would my career be, what would my family look like)
What motivates me to keep going?

1. Never bring problems.
2. Be thorough.
3. Care about little things.
4. Look beyond the near future, see the full landscape of opportunity.
5. Create your personal board of directors.
6. Do at least one thing outside your immediate team/scope.
7. Invest in yourself.
8. Ask for more responsibility, vs. asking for a promotion.
9. Stay weird.
10. Solve for the company, not just your boss.
And follow that with six great boss patterns:
1. If you hire Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel…
2. Explain strategy. And, critically, why that strategy.
3. Your #1 job is your employee's career growth.
4. Teach how to think, not how to do.
5. Set extraordinary standards, live them yourself first.
6. Consciously invest in self-awareness.

Do a weekly meal plan
Make your bed
Tidy as you go
Plan outfits the night before
Write a gratitude list

6. Urgent is not the same as important.
7. Do little daily distractions sidetrack you from getting big things done?
8. Do you spend more time stressing about what has to be done or doing it?
9. Do you start everything from scratch?
10. Do you get easily overwhelmed and become unproductive?