Give me a Mountain

Give me a mountain and I will Not
give it back
I will take it and create grooves
for shelter and hearths
Beautifully designed with sacrifice of time
and stability
Make sure a river flows down
with crisp water so that my seeds
can grow freely without disdain,
just possibility
Be sure it has touched heaven
before reaching any part of me
I want to stand in the blessing of
what I have received
I want to keep the valley that is closest to me
I need it to plant my joys at its feet
as I gather in it’s majestic beauty
That is rare beyond belief
I will take it’s genius and let it use
it as its own. I will only inhabit enough
for us and never for those that will
disrupt. Bringing with me the peace
of a million warriors waiting
after the war is over.
Please give me a mountain and I will
not destroy what I have before me.
I will allow its grace to shelter every
piece of honor inside of me.