I didn’t want to die that day, I showed you that I could pray
You reached for
I just wanted you to know that I was afraid
I have asked the heavens to change that
In an embrace they did but it comes up again
I remembering rushing out the door
after I pleaded with you to let me go
You stood there and you let me pass
They were looking for me
I left because a lady at the store had the same story
and her story gave me strength
when they mentioned her and how she left
I dreamed that I could do it too
this is when you made me forget that I needed to leave you
you know, after the accusations.
after being out with my friends
or after that lady told me I could move in with her.
after you got upset and told me that we could do better
I remembered that I had to leave
I remembered that you wanted to go to
but you kept coming back just the same
I remembered that I bought you gifts because you were never happy
You were always miserable
Did you even like my smile?
I never bowed to you
I never really humbled myself
I became water
I shifted to your way
Until that day when you grabbed for
and I pleaded with you to let me out the door
I still remembered years later and I thanked God for my life
I thanked God for my life.
I let people know and you walked away
I became wanted
I would never say this out loud
I would never claim your demise
but I wish you the infiltration of your secrets,
I wish you the disconnection in relationships
I wish you the betrayal of many hearts
I wish you what you left me with
I thanked God for my life and each time I try to live it
your residuals are there.